Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the beautiful mom's out there!!!

It was my 1st mother's day as a mom. I'm always excited about Mother's Day because I have a beautiful and caring mother that I love so very much and it's always a nice time to share how much you love her. I mean that's not the only time I express my love to her but it's a special day you know. But this time, I was super excited for mother's day because I have someone who will wish me happy mother's day- my son Agastya! :o) Well, he is only 6 months old so ofcourse he didn't literally wish me but we shared tons of hugs and kisses and I express to him how much I love and care for him. His smiles light up my day and he was full of smiles that day! So it was the best mother's day for me.

As far as my mother's day gift, besides my son Agastya( the best gift ever), I got my whole flower bed done in my front yard which I wanted for a while and I'm to be treated for a body massage and hair style. I haven't taken advantage of that as yet because I'm still trying to recover from this ear infection I got last thursday. It's a terrible feeling! I'm hope it gets better before the long weekend. I would hate for it to ruin my trip to NY which I have been looking forward to for a while. I need a break from the routine. Let's see how Agastya does on the plane( good I hope- fingers crossed).

Til next time

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Agastya turns 6 months old

My son Agastya ( still trying to work on a cute nickname) turned a whopping 6 months old on May. 1st! Yeh! :O) So with that happiness, I made 'Carrot Halwa' for him which Satish and I enjoyed very much- another one of Satish's moms recipe! I can't believe how quickly Agastya is growing up- he is the love of my life. I'm taking lots of pictures of him since the moment he was born- I can't afford to miss a moment of all the exciting, happy, amazing and humorous things he does on a daily basis. Well, he doesn't let us miss a moment of his whinning either but what baby doesn't whin, right? ;) The biggest accomplishment for him this month is that, we have stopped swaddling him for good( not even for naps)- I couldn't be happier. We use to swaddle him for everything because we thought he wouldn't sleep otherwise.. Well, we decided for his 6 months birthday, we need to give him this gift( not torturing him by tying him up like a burrito all the time). He cried a lot and wasn't sleeping as well( kept waking up every 30 mins). It was very frustrating for us as well as him but we hung in there and so did Agastya! It took about 8 days of that drama but we all made it! He also seems to be getting use to his carseat nowadays- I'm so proud of him. He cries a little but not nearly as much as he use to during the first 5 months ( touch on wood). I guess the long trip to Houston and Dallas paid off! I recently started taking him to the library once a week for story/play time for babies. He has only been twice and seems to be doing okay. He is still too young to mingle with other kids but he has a good time with a lot of fun toys there and listening to Ms. Virginia read fun and interactive board books! Honestly, I enjoy that part the best because I get to play with him. He looks so adorable sitting in my lap listening to storytime- Love it! All in all, we both enjoy ourselves because I also get to pick up a few tips here and there from other new moms or experienced ones. I'm glad we go there!

He is still not rolling from back to tummy- well, I guess maybe he is one of those babies that will go directly into sitting up on his own. I'm going to let him take his time. He is however, showing signs of crawling. He slides backwards when he is on his back. He also slides backwards on his tummy. :O) lol...I know you all are thinking, "shouldn't he is crawling forward", well I believe that's how they learn to crawl- first they go back and then forward! He sits on his own for a few seconds and then I have to support him. He is doing good- I can't complain.

Agastya enjoys looking at pictures so I read him a few books with lots of fun and colorful pictures. Ofcourse, everything has to be put through a 'put in my mouth' test first. :O) lol I love to watch him do that. He really goes to town with all that.

I'm looking forward to all the fun things he'll do as he is growing up! I want to be there each step of the way to see him accomplish new things!

Til next time.